How to Write a Pay for Delete Letter

Delinquent debts reported to credit bureaus can leave a negative mark on a credit report that can last up to seven years and results in a substantially lower credit score.
Offering to pay a debt in full directly to the creditor in exchange for removal of the negative listing will erase the record of the collection from your client’s credit report and drastically improve their credit score.
Offering to pay a debt in full directly to the creditor in exchange for removal of the negative listing will erase the record of the collection from your client’s credit report and drastically improve their credit score.

Send the collector a pay for delete letter on behalf of your client.

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Pay for Delete letter
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Read on to learn:
Why you should send pay for delete letters for credit repair clients
How to write an effective pay for delete letter
What a pay for delete letter can do for your credit repair clients

When to use a pay for delete letter

A pay for delete letter is sent directly to the original creditor requesting the removal of negative marks on a credit report in exchange for paying the outlined debt in full. When a client has an unverified debt, a pay for delete letter can serve to settle all debt without requiring a creditor to verify the debt claims. Pay for delete letters can remove the negative marks from the credit report and improve the client’s financial well being.

A pay for delete letter offers to settle debt in exchange for removing negative marks that impact a credit score
Letters are sent directly to the creditors
In exchange, clients can receive a signed contract indicating creditor will remove offending negative items
Debts are settled and verified in writing
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3 reasons to send a pay for delete letter for your client

It is a simple business deal that results in an improved credit score
  • Adjust interest rate
  • Lower monthly minimum payment
  • Lower fees and penalties
Your client will know who to pay and exactly how much
  • Loan modification
  • Request a short sale
  • Set a time frame to bring payments up-to-date
Clients who find debt relief are more likely to continue in your credit repair program
  • Settlement options
  • Fixed payment schedule
  • Suspend a past amount
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What do I include in a pay for delete letter?

Client’s information. This letter (like all the other dispute letters) is coming from your client and should reflect their information, not yours as the credit repair company
Offer to pay debts in full
Statement requesting a confirmation signed by the creditor
A request for speedy consideration due to the negative impact on obtaining credit
Do not pay anything until you receive the signed letter back stating that the item will be removed in return for payment
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