How to Write a Dispute Letter to a Credit Bureau
As you work with your clients to repair their credit, you may uncover errors or other anomalies that could be harming your clients’ financial situations. The specific scenarios can vary, but any errors (or suspected errors) are a good reason to write dispute letters to the credit bureaus. These letters ensure the credit bureaus fix or remove errors from your client’s credit report.
Using a credit bureau dispute letter template can save you time and ensure accuracy and confidence in correspondence you send on behalf of your client.
When to write a dispute letter to a credit bureau
As you review credit reports from credit bureaus, you may notice inaccuracies on your clients’ report that could be needlessly harming their current and, potentially, future financial state. These inaccuracies can range from information not deleted in a timely manner to debts your clients have no knowledge of and did not approve themselves.