When you’re new to the credit repair industry, you may feel intimidated when it comes to challenging the credit bureaus. Luckily, many credit repair specialists have paved the path...
Each day comes with a finite number of hours, and if you want to earn more money during your 24 hours, you’ll need to know how to maximize your time....
Marketing in Financial Services: The Importance of Meaningful Content and Digital Outreach
Being a credit hero doesn't require perfection in all areas of business leadership. But it does require dedication and grit. Part of your dedication to leading a successful credit repair company involves.....
As a business owner working from home, you grind hard every day, but are you focusing on the most important activities?
Financial literacy isn’t always taught in school. Instead, it’s something we hope we learn from our family and friends — or at the very least, pick up along the way....
We’ve all been there — a late payment from an account you’d forgotten about dragging down your score. But fear not! Today I’ll be introducing you to...
Before a lender extends a line of credit for a mortgage, credit card, or personal loan, he or she must first determine the risk of the borrower....
Millennials comprise a significant portion of today's homebuyers, yet their homeownership rates lag behind previous generations. To overcome barriers...
Working from home, or remotely, has experienced a massive surge in popularity in recent years. Spurred on by the arrival of technologies like Skype and cloud-based productivity.....
The world of lending and credit opens up opportunities for people to purchase the things they need, like homes, educations, and products that may not have not been available to them without a loan.....
Derogatory marks on your client’s credit report — like late payments or bankruptcies — can last the better part of a decade. For every year your client’s report has a ‘red mark’ on it, it’s another year of financial difficulty....
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