When your bank account is at zero and your bills are past due, you probably don’t rush out to tell everyone about it. That’s because society has taught us that debt is something to be hidden. Debt and bankruptcy and have become “dirty” words, even though debt is a reality for the majority of American households.
If you've been through hard times and found a way out, you can show others how to do the same. Although it may be difficult to talk about, your story of overcoming financial setbacks has great potential to empower others to do the same. When it comes to helping people escape bad credit, the fact that you’ve been in their shoes goes a long way in building trust.
Aaron Clarke tells Credit Repair Expo attendees how he went from homelessness to running a successful credit repair business in just two years.
Credit Repair Business Owners Who Built Their Businesses by Sharing Stories of Homelessness, Debt, and Bad Credit
When considering a credit repair business opportunity, reframe your past struggles as a strength. Read on to learn how other successful credit repair business owners have used their personal stories of hardship to motivate credit repair business owners and give hope to clients.
Aaron Clarke - Philly Credit Mechanic
Aaron Clarke’s story is both humbling and inspiring - and it’s helped him build an extremely lucrative credit repair business. After what seemed to be the last straw in a string of financial struggles, Aaron lost his job and became homeless.
Thanks to a dispute letter from Credit Repair Cloud, Aaron got on the road to financial recovery, and in just two years he went from being homeless to owning a million-dollar credit repair business.
Looking back, Aaron says he’s thankful for his experience of being homeless and broke, because his hardships are what gave him the drive and hunger to keep going. Now he shares his story every chance he gets to give hope to others who are fighting against debt, bills, foreclosure, or other financial issues.
Seth Mitchell - Priority Financial Solutions
Credit Repair Expo speaker Seth Mitchell shares how he overcame financial troubles to become a successful credit repair business owner.
Before starting a credit repair business, Seth Mitchel grew up in a single-parent family where his mother worked multiple jobs to make ends meet. With his father in and out of prison throughout his youth, Seth felt the cards were stacked against him.
With hard work and determination, Seth beat the odds. Now that he’s making millions in his credit repair company, Seth continues to bravely share his personal story, with the message that “If I can do it, anyone can.”
Jose Rodriguez – Clean Slate Credit Solutions
Credit Repair Cloud Millionaire Club member and Credit Repair Expo speaker Jose Rodriguez shares his story of overcoming and rebuilding better than ever.
Jose’s story begins when he was a recruiter in the marines. After being court-martialed for committing fraud, Jose became depressed. Like many of us, he was reluctant to talk about his mistakes. It was only after opening up about his financial past that Jose was able to rebuild his life by starting a home-based credit repair business.
At the 2019 Credit Repair Expo, Jose used his story to remind aspiring credit heroes that we all make mistakes – and that with a bit of humility and perseverance, we can overcome them.
Share Your Own Story to Build a Rewarding and Lucrative Credit Repair Business
These stories resonate with clients and with credit repair entrepreneurs because they are real. Any one of us could find ourselves facing debt, default on a loan, repossession, or even homelessness. For anyone who’s been there, priority number one is to turn things around and get back on track. So, these rags-to-riches tales of success are both comforting and inspiring.
As a credit repair business owner, you too need to be brave by sharing your stories with clients. Being 100% open and honest with clients builds trust, helps to erase credit repair stigma, and can help you turn your financial setbacks into a rewarding and lucrative credit repair business.
If you’re already a credit repair business owner, give it a shot! Share your story online this week (perhaps via a blog or social media) and see what the results are.
If you’re thinking of starting a credit repair business, now is the time to embrace your hardships. Don’t be afraid to use your personal story to inspire credit repair clients and skyrocket your business.
For more inspiration from Aaron, Jose, Seth, and others who have turned their hardships into a successful credit repair business opportunity, watch these success stories.
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