When it comes to credit repair, you’ll find that it is one part logic and one part emotion. Most clients come to you with a specific need or goal in mind. Sometimes it’s a home purchase or a small business loan, maybe just an overall cleanup. Either way, there is usually a life story or situation that caused the credit issue. When working with people, always ask questions that lets them know that you recognize their struggle. It is so easy to get wrapped up talking about creditors, collections, payment history & disputes, but many times we need to take a moment and let your clients talk. Allow them time to “say what they need to say”. Credit repair requires you to be that “counselor” that listens and let’s them know that it will be Ok. Emotional support is key to a successful credit repair practice.
I have experienced the greatest joy of helping clients. It is a wonderful feeling when you receive that “thank you” card in the mail with a picture of your client's new home, or that fantastic referral you receive from a recent success story. The logical credit repair strategy (the game plan) is supported by a client who is motivated to succeed and emotionally attached to a goal. This is no different than your goal of being a successful credit repair professional. Credit repair is a fantastic niche that really helps people get the things they need and want for their family and themselves. What a fantastic way to make a living…helping people.
“If you give awesome service, your clients will continue to pay your monthly fee. They’ll refer their friends and this is how you grow your business. Remember that they see you as an expert, so make time to learn your craft.”
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