The sky’s the limit, but when you're building a credit repair business, you might actually make more by charging less. Remember, the goal is to “scale” your business. How do you do that?
Tip #1: Run Projections
How much credit repair agents make depends on how they are able to scale and grow their business. The most successful credit repair specialists grow slowly and methodically, with reasonable pricing. Additionally, it’s important to offer good service so happy clients continue to use your service for a very long time (and tell their friends).
Run this Credit Repair Business ROI Calculator and run some pricing projections!
Tip #2: Pick the Right Method
People charge all different ways: flat fee, pay per deletion, etc. But of all the methods we see, charging a one-time “first work” fee followed 1 month later by affordable, recurring monthly payments is always the ticket for high revenue. Business experts agree that pricing structure is one of the most important aspects of a profitable fee. A pricing structure may determine how much credit repair agents make.
The idea is simple:
- If you add a few more “Paying” clients each month
- And you keep your existing “Paying” clients happy
- Your revenue will INCREASE every month!
Credit repair millionaires agree that this is how credit repair works to make you thousands each month in recurring revenue!
Tip #3: Making it Affordable
Since each client takes less than 5 minutes of processing per month (after setup) a proportionate credit repair price is appropriate. Then just focus on getting more and more clients. Give them awesome service and educate your clients on how to better manage their credit.
To determine the exact fee to charge depends on your clientele, but here’s a hint:
You might also want to visit the websites of the largest credit repair companies. The biggest one in America has the initials “LL.” They are making millions and millions with a proven business model, so why reinvent the wheel? Just don't copy any text or images from their site or you will hear from their legal department.
Tip #4: Get a Merchant Account and Setup Recurring Billing and Payments!
You’ll accomplish this in two parts:
1. First you’ll want to get a Merchant Gateway Account. Try this one: Merchant account for Credit Repair
2. Next, set up a Recurring Billing & Subscription Management Software. We’ve asked Billsby for special pricing for our customers - you’ll only pay a 0.4% transaction fee - with no monthly fees and no setup fees. And if you sign up from this special link, you can make your first $10,000 of revenue without paying Billsby a cent! (This special pricing is only available at this special link)
Before you can signup for Billsby or any other solution, you must have a Merchant Account Gateway click here for a merchant account for credit repair.
Once you have your Merchant Gateway, learn how to sign up for Billsby and how to take advantage of the special offer.
Hopefully this was some assistance to introduce you to the lucrative benefits of recurring revenue.
If you're wondering how to launch your very own credit repair business, join our 14-day Credit Hero Challenge today! We'll walk you by the hand so you can launch your business, sign new clients, and get amazing results without any prior experience whatsoever.
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