Hi! I’m Daniel Rosen and this is my blog. Over a decade ago I created the world’s first credit repair software . Since then, it’s grown into cloud-based professional credit repair software and CRM for financial professionals that thousands of people log into every day.
We’re a small but mighty company based in Culver City, California. I’m a tinkerer and a builder. I love the internet and building tools that help people. It’s especially fun to build tools that help people to make money.
Credit repair cloud is much more than a software. It’s a framework and flow for a successful and profitable business that’s easy to scale. Recurring revenue is the best way to accumulate wealth. Recurring revenue is the secret to making money while you sleep.
Building a business takes time and planning, but the rewards are great if you do it right and follow the steps. Just relax, take it slow and do a little each day. If you break down a big long-term goal into smaller steps….and do at least 1 thing every day to move you forward,. Then you will always have momentum.
If you’re new to Credit Repair Cloud, be sure to read our free guides . Especially The Recipe for a Profitable Credit Repair Business and the New User FAQ. I wrote these guides and they are always free. The Recipe is a step by step proven business plan to grow and scale a lucrative recurring-revenue business, all broken down to logical manageable steps that match the flow of the software.
We want you to be successful with our credit repair software. After all, if you’re NOT successful you wont need our software! So to help you get started we have free software training ! All you have to do is click here to schedule a session. It’s free and it will save you a lot of time.
If you have ideas for new software features, that’s AWESOME, but please click here to Post your New Software Ideas on our UserVoice Page. Then other users can see the ideas and vote on them, we discuss them at developer meetings and we add many of them. This is how our software has grown over the years.
This blog is for questions about best practices, the business of Credit Repair, dispelling old wives tales, sharing information and bringing the Credit Repair Business into the new millennium. I’m going to make a personal goal to write on this blog weekly. I hope the ideas here will help you to have a more profitable business. If you have comments or questions please join in. That’s what this blog is for.
I wish you all the best for your business!
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