Your investment in credit repair business software should make your life easier, your business scalable, and your clients very happy. Here are seven signs you’ve found an excellent credit repair business software.
1. Business Software Integrations
When you have an existing customer database stored in your CRM, you’ll want to keep your operations efficient with a credit repair business software that has APIs to support those integrations.
Your credit repair business software should have APIs for:
- Lead generation software
- Bookkeeping software
- CRM software
Be sure your software supports you now and into the future with responsive software updates that reflect industry trends and user needs.
2. Automated Dispute Process
One of the top reasons credit repair clients find value in a credit repair service is that it is hard work to manually process disputed items with the bureaus and follow up consistently month after month. Since you will be handling hundreds of clients a month, you’ll want to be sure that you have a system in place to automate the busy work for you.
Your experience with credit repair business software should be like this:
- You can run a credit audit for clients in seconds with automation
- When you tag dispute items, your software automatically inserts them into dispute letters
- Calendar alerts remind you to follow up with clients (through your API integration)
- Affiliate referral fees are automatically processed by your software so affiliates keep sending more and more business your way
- Client follow up takes about five minutes per month
If your experience differs, you should ask yourself if you’re using the right software for your business. Keep reading for others signs you’re onto something good.
3. Industry Leadership
Software companies are not just your backend gurus anymore - they need to be experts in your field so they can better serve your business and your clients. Does your credit repair business software give you industry leadership?
Credit repair business owners making millions in revenue need ongoing advice in the form of webinars, training expos, and online business education tools to keep their business growing.
4. Affordable Price
You want to grow a software company, so you shouldn’t have to spend half of your first month’s income on your credit repair business software. Credit repair software is a worthwhile investment that allows scalability and a level of organization and operational expansion that is impossible doing everything manually.
Here are some credit repair pricing rules of thumb:
- Spend no more than $60 for each team member so you can expand your team quickly to scale your business, without limiting caps on the number of users
- Ensure unlimited storage, so you don’t have to choose between more disputed items or a higher price tag
- Try it out for FREE: Make sure you get at least a 30-day trial for free to test if the software will work out for you
5. Affiliate Management Tools
Local financial affiliates like mortgage brokers, realtors, car dealerships, and tax preparers will send their clients to you for credit repair services. When they do, we suggest you send them a thank you in the form of a referral fee. Some of the most successful credit repair businesses built their business 99 percent from affiliate referrals.
6. Scalable Growth Tools
Affordable credit repair business software is a significant first step, but your credit repair business can only be a solo show for so long until you need to expand your team and train others. Your credit repair business software should support scalable team growth with affordable user pricing, as well as credit repair education and an intuitive UI that makes training your team simple.
The most successful credit repair business owners are great at talking with people, and this industry often draws personable folks who genuinely enjoy chatting with their clients and helping out their community. The last thing you want to do is get stuck processing paperwork in the office all day or playing tech support for your business software.
Your credit repair business software must automate the dispute process and help your team function seamlessly when you’re in the office or out talking with people in your community one-on-one.
7. Fanatics
When you make an investment in business software, you want to know it’s been tried and tested and other credit repair business owners have found success with it. These days social proof is a critical ingredient to modern business success and almost every website has a testimonials section. Be sure to read through the testimonials and the success stories that software companies have on their website.
Some credit repair software companies have users that are beyond excited to tell you about how their software helps them run a successful credit repair business.
Here are some of the things Credit Repair Cloud users love about the software:
- Personalized, one-on-one software training sessions
- Website setup guidance (plus two free months of web hosting!)
- Access to legal documents written by attorneys and over 100 dispute letter templates
- Free, customizable marketing materials in English and Spanish
- A private online community for credit repair business leaders to learn from each other
Let us become a fanatic for your credit repair business today. Learn what it takes to start, run, and grow your own profitable credit repair business right now!
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