Credit repair is always changing. There's new tactics, new letters, and new policies put into place. But some things never change. The credit bureaus...
Are you looking for new strategies to get your clients results and change more lives? This week, I'm joined by Attorney Haseeb Hussain, he's the founder...
Do you want to harness social media to grow and scale your credit repair business? Well, today, I'm going to share seven proven strategies that will...
Want to know the secret to changing 1000s of lives? Well, today I'm joined by Michael Franks, the CEO of Cupid's Lounge, and he's going to share how you...
Dealing with an eviction can be really scary, especially when it lands on your credit report. And the number of evictions continues to rise each year. ...
A couple of weeks ago, I dueted a TikTok video with tips about exactly when to pay your credit card to boost your credit, and a TON of people watched it...
Need some inspiration? Well, today we're joined by Nicole Covone, the star CEO of The Credit Clique, and she's gonna reveal how she took control of her...
The credit bureaus want you to fail! They use so many unfair practices to reject your letters and slow the process. But you gotta be ready to fight back!
Are you dealing with frustrated clients who expect miracles overnight? Well, on this week’s podcast, I'm covering everything you need to know about...
Vance Dotson has the most unique business I’ve ever heard of in credit repair. He’s not an attorney, yet he makes millions suing debt collectors, banks,...
Want to attract and convert more clients? Well, on this week's Podcast, I share my secrets to building credibility and trust so you can capture more leads...
Do you want to build a credit repair empire?Well, on this week's Podcast, John Nuñez, founder of Blackcard Bandits, is here to share the amazing story of...
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